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Introduction to Clinical Psychological Services
Clinical Psychology is an evidence-based profession, integrating psychological theories, researches and practice to understand people's mind, emotion and behaviours, based on which tailored-made psychotherapy would be implemented to the clients.
Clinical Psychologist would focus on understanding the clients' distress and it's relations with clients' personal background, mood, emotion and behaviours, following with tailored-made and evidence supported psychotherapy plan with the clients. Through evidence based psychotherapy, clinical psychologist would guide the clients to overcome their mood and mental distress, develop their self-help skills and promote their personal growth. 
Our Centre offers professional client-based Clinical Psychological Services and promotes psychological well-being. The modes of our Clinical Psychological Services include individual, couple, family and group psychological consultation. We also offers large scale psychological training and public psychoeducation.
The scope of our Clinical Psychological Services mainly covers the following: 

Professional Services


心理評估, 兒童評估, 智力評估, 自閉症, ��讀寫障礙, 過度活躍, 專注力失調, psychological assessment, psychological test, SEN, IQ, ADHD, child assessment

I. Psychological    



心理評估, 心理諮詢, 個案諮詢, 管理層會議, 人力資源, 危機處理, psychological assessment, psychological consultation, case consultation, management meeting, human resources, HR, crisis management

IV. Case Consultation


心理諮詢, 心理輔導, 心理治療, 婚姻輔導, 家庭治療, 遊戲治療, 認知行為治療, psychotherapy, psychological treatment, counselling, psychological consultation

II. Counselling &



心理評估, 心理諮詢, 個案諮詢, 管理層會議, 管理策劃, 人力資源, 危機處理, 創傷, 大型事故, psychological assessment, psychological consultation, case consultation, management meeting, human resources, HR, crisis management, critical incident, trama, strategic planning
V. Crisis  Management
   & Strategic Planning
心理教育, 培訓, 工作坊, 機構培訓, 專欄, psychoeducation, training, workshop, article
III. Psychoeducation &
心理教育, 培訓, 工作坊, 機構培訓, 學校培訓, psychoeducation, training, workshop, corporate training, school training
VI. Corporate Training
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