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Miss Zanonia Chiu, Registered Clinical Psychologist of the Hong Kong Psychological Society. She is often invited to be interviewed by different media such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and social media to promote and educate the public about mental health related information. Miss Zanonia Chiu had also served as a guest host for the children and parents' programs on the Metro Radio and RTHK , sharing parent-child information including child psychology, development and parenting tips.  

Latest Interview

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The Sky Post Sky post interview -
Nearly 70% of women are under stress due to the epidemic because of lack of social interaction and financial concerns 
(August 13, 2020)

Miss Zanonia Chiu, Registered Clinical Psychologist was interviewed by the Sky Post to explain women in different  stages are facing different stressors and share the stress management tips, helping everyone fight the COVID19 together.  

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#COVID19 #stayhomestaysafe #COVID19stress #COVID19burntout #COVID19anxiety #seekprofessionalhelpASAP #womensmentalhealth #positivepsychology #resilience #WellnessPsychologicalConsultancyServices #ZanoniaChiu #RegisteresClinicalPsychologist #wellness_psy #a_clinical_psychologists_blog

Facebook: A Clinical Psychologist's Blog 臨床心理學家語錄 - Wellness Psy 思健心理諮詢中心

晴報Sky post 近7成女性 疫情下壓力大增 缺乏社交 憂慮財政 - 臨床心理學家趙思雅

Media Interview

心理評估, 兒童評估, 智力評估, 自閉症, 讀寫障礙, 過度活躍, 專注力失調, psychological assessment, psychological test, SEN, IQ, ADHD, child assessment

Interview with Clinical Psycholgist

​Interview with clinical psychologist

心理評估, 心理諮詢, 個案諮詢, 管理層會議, 人力資源, 危機處理, psychological assessment, psychological consultation, case consultation, management meeting, human resources, HR, crisis management

Workplace Psychology

workplace psychology

心理諮詢, 心理輔導, 心理治療, 婚姻輔導, 家庭治療, 遊戲治療, 認知行為治療, psychotherapy, psychological treatment, counselling, psychological consultation

Psychological Wellness

mental health

心理評估, 心理諮詢, 個案諮詢, 管理層會議, 管理策劃, 人力資源, 危機處理, 創傷, 大型事故, psychological assessment, psychological consultation, case consultation, management meeting, human resources, HR, crisis management, critical incident, trama, strategic planning
​Public Education 
Public Education Videos
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Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology Series
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Positive Psychology 正向心理學系列.jpg
Child Psychology & Parenting
Child psychology and parent education
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