Clinical Psychologist offers professional and formal psychological assessments to clients by clinical interview, clinical observations and standardized psychological assessment tools, and write-up professional psychological report if needed.
Common Clinical Psychological Assessments include the followings:
1. Intelligence Functioning
2. Gifted
3. Specific Learning Difficulties
such as reading/writing difficulties, Mathematics difficulties, speech delay, etc.
4. Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
5. Autistic Spectrum Disorder
6. Children's Emotion / Behaviour / Social Ability / Development
7. Adults' Emotion / Behaviour / Social Ability / Personality
such as work-stress, sleep disturbance, bereavement, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, adjustment disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorder, early psychosis, schizophrenia, personality disorder, etc.
8. Health Related Psychological Problems
such as psychosomatic symptoms, irritable-bowel syndrome, tension headache, chronic pain, weight management, cigarette and alcohol addiction, etc.
9. Cognitive / Neuropsychological Functioning
such as intelligence, pre- / post-neurosurgery, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, dementia, etc.